Book box subscriptions are a monthly service offering curated books delivered directly to your door. Providing surprise adventures and mystery novels, they have become a popular way for book lovers to inject a bit of excitement into their reading journey whilst removing the pressure of finding the perfect book. Thanks to their wide reach and desire to highlight the best of the literary world, book subscription services cater to independent authors and publishers much more readily than mainstream retailers and traditional publishers do.

Your Paper Quest loves to champion independent authors and publishers and showcase the best talent we can find in the world of self and independent publishing. Today we wanted to explore a little about how you can support independent authors too by joining a book subscription service.

What is a Book Subscription Box?

A book subscription box is a simple service which sends out a mystery package of thrilling and enchanting literature to each subscriber on a monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly basis. The boxes will often follow a particular theme or maybe stick to a single genre depending on the specific subscription in question. Each subscription service seeks to curate their selection to perfection and endeavours to select stories that will entertain, move, and engage everyone who reads it. In this way, subscription services help to take away the pressure of discovering your next favourite book, as you can be assured you’re in safe hands and will find something novel and exciting turning up at your door each month. Whether looking for fantasy, mystery, thrillers, independent authors, or more, there is a book subscription box out there for everyone.

Book Subscription Box Benefits

There are a host of benefits to getting a book subscription box that readers will surely appreciate. As well as receiving your surprise box of tantalising tales each month and all the wonders that come with it, there are wider benefits for the writing and publishing industry as a whole that we would like to bring your attention to.

Discovering New Authors and New Genres: Everyone who enjoys reading both loves and hates the experience of standing in front of a shelf of endless titles and beautiful imagery. It stands as both an opportunity for discovery and exploration where you take care to read each blurb and sample a few pages, as well as a maze of indecipherability where the question of ‘what book do I want to read next’ seems impossible to answer. When the selection process becomes overwhelming many of us, out of habit, simply return to authors and genres we know and love. Yet, when we sign up for a book box subscription service, we can put trust in the curators to choose a worthwhile read every time. And whilst we know we might not consider every book we receive to be our new favourite novel; we know our reading journey will be a joyous one that makes us think and feel and allows us to diversify our interests and open our bookshelves to books we may not otherwise have considered or chosen.

Support Independent Authors and Publishers: Book subscription boxes will often introduce us to new authors and new styles of writing by supporting lesser-known authors and smaller publishing houses. Many major publishers will reject titles that take a risk and try something new, favouring instead tried and trusted stories that have a familiar and profitable shape to them. As a result, many talented authors find it difficult to get their work out to the general public, and independent publishers who support these rarer and more adventurous works find it difficult to compete with the much larger budgets of the major publishing houses. To balance this, many book subscription boxes aim to find those hidden gems that others overlook and showcase the talent often left forgotten or considered too risky to promote. Book subscription boxes are created by lovers of literature for lovers of literature, so there is less of a stigma around what constitutes good writing. This allows those curators to bring forward those writers and publishers that add something to the literary world not seen before and include it in one of your very own boxes for you to fall in love with too.

Celebrating Cultural Diversity: A less obvious benefit is how book subscription services also help to expose their readers to a wider pool of literature from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Major publishers often find supporting voices from different cultures as an uncertainty, unsure as to how their audience might receive these different voices and perspectives. But a lover of words and exploration is a lover of seeing things differently or experiencing the world through new eyes. The curators of subscription boxes often feel this way too and bring a wider scope of literature to their selections. So don’t be surprised to find voices and novels from all across the world in your subscription box, as this is one of the beautiful features of having a curated experience, exposure to a wider world, a deepening of your own perspective, and a new lifelong love for authors and genres you may never have discovered otherwise.

Which Subscription Box Should I Choose?

Which subscription box you choose is a personal affair depending on your desires. Start by asking yourself if there is a genre you wish to explore further, or be introduced to for the first time, and find a subscription box that caters in that direction. If you wish to find a little mystery and dive into words and novels you may never discover or choose for yourself, then find a subscription service that has a broader scope and has changing themes and genres month on month. Also, consider other perks that come with each subscription like hand-selected gifts that are thematically related to the books you will be reading or whether they have an online book club so you can join a community of readers like you.

Your Paper Quest offers a subscription box that fully supports independent authors, independent publishers, and a range of diverse literature written by people from all backgrounds. We take special care and consideration in each title we select, each theme we use, and how the two titles you will receive each month relate to, contrast, and complement each other. The literary community is our community, and we share the values of all those who love to read and support the work of writers everywhere. We include special gifts in each month’s box, vary our themes and genres whilst still ensuring each book is accessible to everyone, and also have our virtual book club that you can join for free and spend time among like-minded individuals. 

For a book subscription service, you won’t regret and for a monthly supply of mystery and delight, Your Paper Quest would be thrilled to welcome you into our ever-growing community. 

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