Reading is a journey in which one never travels alone, accompanied by a myriad of characters, settings, and intriguing plots. But don’t you often wish you could share that journey with others like you? The excitement, the discovery, and the drama? As well as the highs and lows traversed throughout each page and chapter?

Thanks to the popularity of book box subscriptions, book clubs are becoming more popular than ever, there are now a plethora of communities dedicated to the reading journey just waiting to share their insight, time, and perspectives, as well as avidly listening to your own! Yet, due to the scope and variety of book box subscriptions out there, the task of finding the right one for you can be daunting. But fear not, you need not be alone in this journey either, for today we will walk you through our guide of the best things to consider when choosing your new literary community.

Read on to find out exactly what book subscription boxes are, how joining a book club benefits you, how to choose the perfect match and a list of frequently asked questions arranged for your convenience.

What are Book Subscription boxes?

Book subscription boxes are essentially mail-order subscription services that deliver a range of literature to your doorstep monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. Alongside the given titles for that particular subscription period, book boxes often include special goodies and literature-themed merchandise as well as an invitation to join a virtual community of fellow readers who are enjoying the same offerings as you.

The range of literature and frequency of service varies from subscription box to subscription box, but in general, they aim to introduce you to new authors and genres whilst highlighting intriguing or canonical literature that you may never stumble across on your own. Subscription boxes are curated collections, so a team of expert literary enthusiasts does a supernatural amount of reading behind the scenes to bring the best selections to you every month.

Generally, you won’t know what title you will receive beforehand, so one of the brilliant appeals is that feeling of mystery, surprise, and excitement at wondering what awaits you when the package comes through your door. Accompanied by a delightful selection of extras such as bookmarks, stickers, or even snacks, a subscription book box arrives as a pre-packaged reading adventure just waiting to unfold. The best part is that with all this expert curation and guaranteed page-turning, you can rest easy knowing that what awaits is an adventure of mystery and delight that is sure to thrill and intrigue you until next month’s box arrives!

What are the Benefits of Book Subscription boxes?

Book subscription boxes offer numerous benefits beyond the literary treasures that await you each month. One of the greatest benefits is the diversifying of your library with new genres and authors you wouldn’t otherwise be introduced to. By allowing expert enthusiasts to select the titles for you, not only will each month be an exciting surprise, but you’ll never know what new genres and styles you may forever fall in love with.

Another key benefit is the opportunity to create meaningful connections in a like-minded community. Most book subscription boxes also have their own accompanying book club where you can share your thoughts and views on each month’s read with others like you. By being exposed to a community of fellow bookworms, you’ll meet new ideas and perspectives that will help to deepen your understanding of the stories you have been reading and help you to feel more confident and competent at dissecting, digesting, and understanding the literature you read.

Alongside the community of enthusiastic readers, virtual book clubs also often offer the chance to meet or interact with the authors in some way, either through online events or Q&A opportunities. Not only do you get to enjoy the books you read each month, but for those that really captivate you, and for those people who are also interested in being writers, you get an invaluable opportunity to hear from a wide range of published authors.

With an expanded library, a new and inclusive community, and opportunities to interact with the professionals, subscribing to a book subscription box provides a myriad of benefits beyond just the wonderful books you receive each month.

How to Choose the Right Book Subscription Box for You

How do you decide what is the best book subscription box for you? There are several factors to consider here, and the first is knowing the genres you’re looking for or identifying if you’re looking to expand your horizons and take a path less travelled.

Familiar Genres: If you have an absolute favourite genre that you simply want to get more out of and discover hidden gems within that genre, then finding a subscription box that caters specifically to that genre would be perfect for you.

New Genres: If you wish to diversify, then looking to book subscription boxes that cater to a wider range of genres will help introduce you to a variety of new writing styles each month, allowing you to get a deeper understanding of the wider literary world.

Independent Authors: If you wish to read authors that haven’t yet had their chance in the spotlight, then finding book subscription boxes that root out undiscovered and lesser-known talents will help you find yourself at home among some of the best unknown works that literature has to offer.

Secondly, consider what else is included in the subscription box. Some subscription boxes include extra merchandise and gifts related to that month’s theme or that any avid reader cannot live without. These little gifts enhance the experience and demonstrate a willingness to go above and beyond to bring the reading experience to life and are a good indicator of a subscription box worth pursuing.

If you are looking for a community to join and share in the journey with, then checking that the subscription book box you’re drawn to also has a book club to join as well is certainly a must and an experience we highly recommend.

Finally, checking out reviews and finding recommendations are all good indicators of people’s general experience with a particular book box subscription service, but everyone is unique, so if you do feel drawn to a particular box, we say listen to your heart and go for the one that feels right for you.

Exploring Online Book Clubs

As we have mentioned, many book subscription boxes also host their own online book club where a community can grow around the service and share in each monthly literary adventure together. Providing a platform for discussion, a good book club can help you broaden your reading horizons, deepen your understanding of literature, test your debating skills, and create genuine friends along the way.

Book clubs can help you to understand passages and parts of the text you might have struggled with as well as identify important sections you may not have understood the significance of. Readers and literary lovers are generally a friendly bunch and supremely enthusiastic about the tales and stories they read, so you are always bound to find someone with insight and time to discuss each book with you. By sharing your ideas with others, you can broaden both of your perspectives and gain a new appreciation for literature itself.

On top of this, being part of a community can help to keep you motivated and focused on your journey, ensuring you manage to finish the book each month before the next box arrives. It can be difficult setting and reaching such goals for ourselves, but being surrounded by people all doing the same thing who share their encouragement with you can make it all the easier to stay motivated with and stick to.

Finally, online book clubs often host events where special guests or authors of the month participate and give you an opportunity to hear about the book from the author’s mouth and ask the questions that keep bubbling away under the surface every time you read their tale. So, with so many things to gain, finding a book subscription box that has a free invitation to an online community is, in our eyes at least, an absolute must!


Q: What is Your Paper Quest?

A: Your Paper Quest is a book subscription service that offers a monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly box that exclusively features self-published and independent authors. With a dream and a vision to create more exposure for talented indie authors whilst helping readers expand their horizons and discover a wonderful world of literature they may never otherwise see.

Q: What comes in one of our subscription boxes?

A: Each subscription box will arrive with at least two self-published novels that average 600 pages of content. Boxes will also include curated bookmarks to match each month’s theme and notes from the authors themselves. Alongside this, you will also receive an invitation to join our virtual book club to meet like-minded readers and have the opportunity to ask our authors questions for our monthly interviews!

Q: How do I join the book club?

A: In each box, you will receive a printed newsletter that has a QR code that links you to the book club. This acts as your invitation.

Q: What theme will I receive in my monthly subscription box?

A: That’s a mystery! As our aim is to help indie authors from all genres and backgrounds, our monthly theme will continually change as each month goes by. We know that may deter some readers, but we assure you that we work diligently to ensure the stories chosen are highly accessible to readers regardless of genre, even if it is outside of your usual scope. We also balance the two books we select to highlight how the same theme can be explored in completely different ways to help broaden horizons in that way too. Whatever your desire, we ensure that we offer well-written stories that are sure to delight and entice you and gain newfound faith in the world of indie publishing.


The world of book subscription boxes awaits to enchant you with new authors and new genres and a mysterious adventure delivered to you each month. Finding the right subscription box for you is a personal choice, but we hope you have discovered a way to understand the world of book subscription boxes and how to navigate the journey to reach your desired destination.

Book subscription boxes will help to expand your literary horizons and deepen your reading comprehension whilst making friends and having fun along the way. But one of their greatest benefits and brightest highlight is the online community you can be a part of, where a lifelong or newfound passion for reading can continue to blossom and grow in an environment that supports that passion and encourages you to share it with others. So, if you want your reading experience to become its own tale of adventure, meet mysterious characters, and make friends along the way, then join a book subscription box today and get ready to enjoy the mystery that awaits!

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