1. Tell us about how you began your journey as an author - Where did it all start?

My senior year in high school (50 years ago?) I was forced to read The Catcher in the Rye. I read it fast, finished the last page, and immediately started back to page 1 wondering what this Salinger guy had done to me. I finished the second reading and knew I had to try to have that same impact on someone else.

2. How has your writing evolved with each novel you've self-published?

I don’t know that it really has evolved. Not to me at least. Certainly, I’ve refined my routine, and I have more characters to choose from with each passing novel, but I think the writing has remained consistent. It’s a style I’d grown comfortable with while writing short stories, so why change?

3. Which of your books asked the most of you? Which one was the easiest to write?

Alice and Her Grand Bell, my first, took about 18 years to write—though I spent 12 years in the middle trying to drink myself to death. I stole the germ of the idea from a friend (with permission) but had no idea how to write a novel, so I just started writing short stories about the key characters. Once I sobered up, I worked on linking the stories together. Easiest? The next two were hard because I was still trying to find an agent. Once I gave up on agents, the last eight books were “easy”.

4. If you could give some advice to a new writer in the indie community, what would it be?

Write every day. Create a routine. Thirteen years ago, I stumbled into a job working nights, freeing up my days to write, and my production increased dramatically. Still, I only shoot for 400 words a day, often writing more but I don’t push it. It helps that I don’t have much of a life—no wife, no kids—so I don’t have many distractions. (Mind you, I’m not advocating leaving your families, I just don’t know how people with responsibilities do it. I admire those who can.) Good luck!

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